ॐYoga Retreats


Enero  2016 16 y 17 
Atelier de Afro Yoga flow en la naturaleza 
Chakras & Danza, Fusión Hatha Yoga y pranayama.
con musica en vivo
Dharma Yoga, Punta de Lobos ,Pichilemu. 

RETIRO DE YOGA 14 y 15 de Noviembre  

"Kundalini Yoga Detox" en Yoga Dharma Punta de Lobos,Pichilemu.

Sean bienvenidos

"KUNDALINI,El Yoga de la Conciencia"

Cupos limitados! Reserva tu cupo y programa la fecha con tiempo. 

Valor : $45.000 por persona (Taller)

valor taller mas alojamiento: $75.000( llegada viernes hasta el domingo)

Cupos limitados! Reserva tu cupo ahora! Macachicharro@gmail.com 9-9191093
" La experiencia es única e inolvidable y es la mejor manera de saber ....

por que lo has experimentado "

➸➸➸➸Raga Kaur Ψ ➸➸➸➸

““Elevate. Each day, live to elevate yourself, each day elevate one person. Make elevation your religion and you shall reach infinity. ” ~ Yogi Bhajan


ॐ Afro Yoga Flow dance dance lessons ॐ now in Thailand

➸➸➸➸Afro Yoga Flow dance dance is a soulful rhythmic and eclectic super fun practice.The movements are fluid rhythmic, earthy, sexy and fun. Energize your chakras by dancing and after go to deep yoga strength and vibrint joy meditation.
Rejoice in to your Shavasana with a big smile after this awesome workout for the body and soul.
Be alive Be present and ¡¡¡ get ready to sweat ¡¡
Private lessons or semi private (small group of 3 persons max).
➸➸➸➸About this tecnique:
We came out with this idea in Barcelona 3 years ago.(My Colombian friend Alejandra Pabon and me)It was spontaneously way of putting toghether our latin dancing backgrounds and the love for african, Caribbean and belly dance styles.
Mixing toghether with the pasion for yoga meditation and pranayama practice.
The result is this exotic flower call Afro Yoga Flow ¡¡¡powerfull and fun shakti practice¡¡
For the past 3 years me and Alejandra,teach this practice in many countries around the world with happy and amazing results.
Afro Yoga Flow is a soulful rhythmic and eclectic super fun practice.The movements are fluid rhythmic, earthy, sexy and fun. Energize your chakras by dancing and after go to deep yoga strength and vibrint joy meditation. Rejoice in to your Shavasana with a big smile after this awesome workout for the body and soul.
Training for the beautiful gods and goddess in you "Temple dances to afro yoga flow"You can choose from this dance techniques
Odissi temple dance - Kalbelia Gypsy Dance - Fusion India & Belly Dance - Mudras - Hips work out thougth World Percussion
➸Be alive Be present and ¡¡¡ get ready to sweat ¡¡
Private lessons or semi private (small group of 3 persons max).

                                                  ➸➸➸➸Raga Kaur Ψ ➸➸➸➸


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